La Bee de Beeley
La Bee de Beeley
Everyone is jelly of Queen Bee. She loves laying eggs all day! Without her, all the bees would be stuck! She loves having everyone rely on her.
A short film questioning women’s agency in the invisible work of emotional labour.
“the editing work of emotions that someone would do in order to have an effect on the emotions of someone else.” It happens in formal as well as informal settings, but is often “offloaded onto women,”
"Studies also show that women predominantly plan household activities and also do “mental work” at home—things like creating grocery lists and reminding their partner to bring the car in for an oil change. While none of those tasks are purely emotional, they can all involve putting other people’s feelings and needs ahead of your own. And while that’s often necessary in partnerships, the empirical and anecdotal evidence suggests that women as a group are far more likely to do that than men as a group"
"Emotional labor is not a bad thing. It’s a wonderful thing. It’s a thing that, ideally, everyone should be doing. But why is it that we still offload emotional labor on to women? Any kind of work seen as “feminized” is seen as having little value."
From the book ‘Emotional Labor: The invisible work shaping our lives and how to claim our power’ by Rose Hackman, March 2023